Improvements in mining
The mining industry is an old one. Considering some of humanitys earliest time periods are named after minerals it´s clear they have had a great importance in advancing our society. The industry has also provided pop culture with many many stories and idéas during the years. Like books and movies about the gold rush och movies about diamonds from Africa like the recent movie uncut gems. Considering the long legacy of the industry you would think that the technology used would be in the forefront all the time. Mining is in it’s core innovative looking at all the progress that have come as a result of it. But that is not always the case. We se a lot of old machines that are not only slower and less efficient but also more costly to handle and of course not that good for the environment. Our need for minerals will never end but the industry have to adapt tto the future to continue provide these valuable resources in a good way over time. One of these methods is upgrading to a centrifugal solid liquid separator.
Centrifugal separation principle
Earlier methods for solid and liquid separation are by now obsolete. They take more time, are less efficient and cost more than the new methods. Because of this it’s also a method that is worse for the environment. It uses the centrifugal force to separate the materials you need from each other. Another way of improving your machinery is using good lubricating oil filters. With efficient handling and the best lubricating oil you have machines that will run longer, cost less in maintenance and uses resources better and therefore is better for the environment. By using new tech you will help you business, the environment and the industry to be better in the future!