There are many diseases that we, as people and as a society, feared for a long time. And rightfully so. Back in the days many diseases and viruses were dangerous up to life threatening even for the healthy and strong ones. A bad flu or some bacterias that we didn’t manage to avoid – and our lives could be at stake. Luckily we have managed to develop past this and nowadays the majority of diseases are treatable. Many important and fundamental discoveries and changes have helped us come to the point that we are today. Not only regarding the way that we live and with sanitarity in everyday life, but also with medical discoveries and technology important for medical treatments.
Among these ones the discovery of antibiotics stands out as the arguable most important medical discovery up to present day. Diseases that could before be very dangerous even for the healthy are now easily treated by just a pill of antibiotics, may it even be sometimes as easily as with a well timed profylax. In modern society however, the medical discoveries are many and we are in a constant phase of developing our methods and making them safer. One of the most discussed, and also today feared, diseases that we as a society and more and more also as a people fear is cancer. Cancer is feared by a clear majority of people and all-though its nature of being a constant topic and common discussing topic regarding medical discussions it is also a disease that we know little about. Cancer is a complex disease and the treatment of cancer is by no means any less complex nor complicated. A big step forward regarding cancer treatment is the development of OIS, short for oncology information system.
It’s an important component in the hunt of making the treatment for cancer a more effective and comprehensive one, thus making it faster and more safe. Another component that will play a big part in the future of cancer treatment of different types is automated treatment planning. It’s a well developed way of making the process more effective and saving time – which can be a vital factor. Also by using machine learning technology and automated treatment reduces the risk of error being made. Using radiation in cancer treatment is nothing new and has been used for a while now, however the risks of damaging other tissue in the body is big and need for improvement has long been a topic. Nowadays, carbon ion therapy is being used more and more as a safer form of radiation therapy. While damaging the DNA of the cancer tumor it poses a much smaller risk of harming other surrounding tissue.